Saturday, August 28, 2010

Why Ideamatic Dorchester?

I've lived in Dorchester for nearly 30 years, and like many other residents (and folks who work or study here), I have ideas on how life in Dorchester could be improved for the public good.  In fact, I have lots of ideas and I thought it might be fun to start posting them.  I know the best ideas are like yeast and that other people adding to them and bouncing off and building off them makes any idea deeper, stronger, more likely to be realized.  

So add your ideas!  And I hope you'll give feedback on mine.  

We all care about this special part of the city and want to make it shine. 

1 comment:

  1. My Family has been doing business in Dorchester for over four decades. Bozo the Clown's Cream Pies were made in Our Building by My Nana that Died last August 2009. That was soooo long ago but Who does not remember that? You equate Bozo with Cream Pies right????? Even in Europe when They Think a Politician is a clown they throw a pie at them LOL! The only reason We never moved to Dorchester was the fact that it is out of Our Greek Orthodox Parish. Dorchester was not Greek Orthodox friendly at one point the priest at St. Williams told the Parish no to buy at Kay's Pastry Shop because We were not Catholic. In the 70"s My Grandfather rented to the first Vietnamese Grocery store in Dorchester. We knew what it was like to be thought of an outsider. My Family lived and breathe for a better way.The Gallery is on Our 3rd Month now. I hope to see more interest from the Business Community of the neighborhood. I personally have been there since 1985 so I have been trying...
